
About this blog

The parrot has taken off on a new adventure. Inspired by the blogging community and some frankly mind-blowing photographic exhibitions, I’ve finally made the leap from point-n-shoot to a Canon 700D – my first DSLR. This blog is my journey from darkness to light, in a thoroughly white-balanced and hopefully increasingly manual way.

I have always enjoyed taking a good photo. I got my first tiny, plastic point-n-shoot for my tenth birthday and promptly dragooned my sister into staging fashion shows in our bedroom, and organising group photos of us with all our teddy bears. As an adult, lack of funds restricted me to point-n-shoots and also to film, which I only departed from in 2010 when a friend gave me his old Olympus digital camera as I set off on my perma-globetrot.

The Ongoing Adventure that is my life as a globally-mobile English teacher has encompassed many phenomenal scenes and experiences that I’ve tried to capture, first on my old, donated Olympus Stylus 300, then on a snazzier Lumix DMC-SZ1. These have both helped me capture some great moments and incredible vistas.

In this latest flurry of feathers, I’m hoping to become part of the cycle of creating art from life and making the everyday wonderful not only for me, but hopefully also for you.

About me

I started a basic travel blog in 2010 as a way to keep family and friends up to date with my footloose flights of international fancy. Then, in 2012 I joined the WordPress family where I’ve been writing as The Parrot on the Powerlines. I love writing and I also love taking photos, so this parrot has reached the pylon where the lines diverge. This site is where I will indulge my growing passion for pictures, and on the other site will be reserved for random squawks and other bird-brained meanderings in text.


Ruffle my feathers